Enhancing Team Performance

You may have a great group of individual leaders as colleagues but are they as strong a team as they could be?

Even the strongest leaders can’t go it alone.  Well-functioning, if not high performing, teams are needed to carry out plans in an increasingly complex world that requires much more rapid front-line responsiveness to stay on top.

Ask yourself:

What’s your role as leader in decision making? Historically, what’s been the dominant decision-making model in the organization—top down, bottom up, meet in the middle?

Did the goals for your team emerge from a top down or a collective expectation-setting approach?

Are the goals seen as legitimate based on organizational norms? If not, how can you overcome this hurdle–for instance, by explaining why the status quo won’t work any longer?

Is what you’re asking for clear and compelling? Have you checked to ensure understanding, if not acceptance? Are your expectations realistic in terms of current targets, resources, and organizational dynamics?

If you’ve made your best case, have you explained this in personal terms to the leaders whose support you need? Have you made it highly relevant to them? Have you shown receptivity to different ways of achieving your goals?

Have you linked your leadership story to what you’re asking the team and the organization to achieve? Do people understand that you have skin in the game and why? Do your targets and incentives align with those of others in the organization? Is this alignment visible and understood?

Have you prioritized the many and highlighted the few essential goals? Have you set clear timelines and expectations?